Thursday, May 27, 2010


There's nothing better than spending time catching up with a friend. I love it that some friendships can have time apart and pick up right where they left off. Today I got to laugh and talk and think about life with a friend like that. Rachel and I have been friends since sixth grade and have soooooooooo many memories together!

We went to different colleges in two different states, then when I moved home to teach, she left for grad school in another state.

But...we always pick up where we left off...being as goofy as we ever were! And that's what makes the best friendships, I think!


Today I'm thankful for fun time with a great friend...and more silly memories! 
Well...the big day is almost here! Four days away to be exact....until I turn 25! (Well, three now, since I'm up super late and writing this's already Thursday now!) I've had fun finding little things in my days to celebrate all month, though I've kind of fallen behind in recording them on here, but it's been a fun month anyway!

This Birthday Week - Tuesday's celebration was visiting with friends from Arkansas and participating in the Weight Watchers 5K Walk-It Challenge. Today I went shopping in St. Louis and spent as much time as I wanted in each store, looking at EVERYthing I wanted to. I even bought a few (too many) things (in smaller sizes)! Then I drove home the long way, rolled the windows down, and stopped to take pictures of the clouds and the wild flowers. Tomorrow I am getting a pedicure, just for fun, then meeting my super friend from high school, Rachel, to hang out.

I have so many things going through my mind to write about. But I want to share something a man spoke about at church tonight. The focus was on being Christian soldiers (which has a double meaning for many of the men and women in our community...), but the real focus was on putting on our armor each day and trusting God to take us and use us. He shared from David's story as he faced Goliath, and pointed out that one of the leaders tried to suit David up in armor that wasn't his. David felt uncomfortable and unable to move effectively and took off the armor. He RAN to FACE Goliath instead of backing away, trusting God to fully protect him.

How often does God give us something to do, and instead of "running toward it" we back away or scatter? We sometimes avoid the unseen because we are afraid. We also try to put on someone else's armor, and wear it, even though it doesn't fit. David chose to take off the armor and be suited as God had planned for him to be. We are each unique in how God has made us and created us to work in the world.

As I was reading tonight in 1 Corinthians, these verses stuck out to me. They don't directly relate to what I've been sharing, but also challenged me to think.

"So my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." 1 Cor. 15:48

"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love." 1 Cor. 16:13

If I could think of one word right now to describe how I'm feeling it is "uncomfortable." Not in a negative way, but in such a way as a body of water with waves that are really moving. In a way that I know God is working right now, and I can't see what is going to happen and what the outcome is going to be, and that makes me a little nervous. In a way that challenges my faith like it has never been challenged before, and pushes me to grow in my walk and to truly seek God and His direction each day. I know He is in charge of the waves, and if I just keep my eyes on Him, He will be faithful in walking me across the moving water. I know that having faith means trusting when you CAN'T see what is to come.

The last picture isn't very pretty...but it reminds me of the hope we have in Christ. Our old lives are gone, and new life will come in Him. When we die, our old bodies are buried, but we will receive new life and will spend an eternity with our Creator! The tree may seem kind of "dull and dead" to the world...but look at all the green around it. Look at the flowers in the other pictures. Look at the beautiful clouds in the sky. All of those are the workmanship of our God. And if he cares so much about these things, imagine how much more he cares about you and me!

Thank you God for working in me and challenging me in a way that is taking me outside my comfort zone. I trust you to continue working, even though I have no idea what is in store. I commit to seeking you each day and working hard to put on my armor and face the giants that you put before me. I will wear my armor that you have given me and not try to "fit into" someone else's. You are an amazing God who never ceases in loving and caring for His children. I love you, Lord!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Catching Up...

Today was the most wonderful Tuesday morning I could have asked for!

This morning I had the opportunity to catch up with some WONDERFUL friends from Arkansas. Bruce and Whanda Swihart. Mr. Bruce served as the interim pastor for one year at my church during college, and his wife Ms. Whanda, taught the Sunday School class for international students that I attended at the time.

What a blessing they were to me. Both then, and now. We have only been able to keep in touch once in awhile through mail/e-mail over the past few years, but it has been good to at least have that contact. The fact that they were traveling through my town today, and I happened to contact them last week was God's timing!

We talked all about what God has been teaching me lately - waiting, trusting, seeking, having faith, exploring what I believe and why as I apply for JM, timing, and so many other things. They told me how their family is doing, and shared lessons they had learned in all of these areas as they have grown in the Lord and walked with Him throughout their life. We talked about a mutual friend, and how God had really been present in that friendship as well. It was just an encouragement and a blessing to be with them, to get the biggest hug from Ms. Whanda, and to rejoice in the Lord's work and challenges. I am so thankful for that! I meant to get a picture together, but oh well! I hope to visit their church sometime this summer when I am in Arkansas.

It is nice to home today. I finished packing my classroom yesterday, and had to take a minute when it was finished, and I was officially "checked out" after turning in my keys to just stand in the doorway and take it all in. It makes me sad to think about no one learning in our beautiful building and my classroom next year. I know they will be learning in other places, but it is still hard to imagine. I thought about how I won't have my own "space" next year to teach, but will be sharing, and moving around. God is really going to take me out of my comfort zone again. But - then what better way to call me to rely fully on Him?...

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to give you hope and a future. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with ALL your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

I used to hear this verse (and still do) all the time, and think it was a wonderful word, but also that it was so cliche and overused. But while it is often quoted, I really DO know that it is a truth and a promise God has given to each of us. And when we create the hopes we have in HIM, He will be faithful to use us and carry out HIS plans...

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I've gotten to spend time with family this weekend. My cousin graduated from high school, and we're so proud of and excited for her! Friday night was the commencement, and yesterday was her party for family and friends. I am so blessed to have a wonderful Christian family. My grandparents are a big part of this blessing.

I could talk to them all day. They both have so many stories, lessons, and advice to share. They have been married over 50 years...actually closer to 60 now! They love the Lord with all their hearts. They care about their family and don't worry about big and fancy "things." They work hard and serve others. They are giving and caring. And I love them very, very much! I'm glad I can introduce you to some of my favorite people in the world! I have actually been blessed to have two sets of grandparents who have blessed me and encouraged me in these ways, and who have all played a role in my strong Christian heritage. One set is celebrating with our Lord now. I am so thankful for grandparents!

My favorite part of today was talking with Granny about "boys." She told me the story of how she and Grandad met, how she knew she was going to marry him when she first heard his name, even before she met him, how he "dumped" her after awhile of "going together" how he came back a year or so later after she "went with" some other boys for awhile, and he didn't think she should be seeing them. lol So - God can bring people into our lives, take them away for a bit, and still make them a part of His plans later. Thanks, Granny! :) 

It's officially my "Birthday Week..." now! I'm really going to try to find something fun for every day. A pedicure is definitely in store for one of the days, and a visit with some wonderful friends from Arkansas who are passing through Missouri is also a part of the week...I'll let you know what kind of fun (and mischief!) I find to get into! haha

Happy Monday! (And my first Monday of no school!!!)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I STILL get butterflies in my stomach. Still. In that fluttery, nervous, happy kind of way.
I wish that I could elaborate on that statement or tell WHY I get butterflies. But...maybe one day. For right now, I guess I'll just let 'em keep flying.

Today was a good Saturday. It was the first official day of summer vacation. I like how being a teacher means an official and designated "long summer vacation" each year at this time. I spent the day with a new group of friends. I exercise at Curve's for Women, and really enjoy my time there. The ladies are so encouraging and fun to be around, and the time goes by quickly. One of the ladies who works there decided to organize a Girls' Day Out, and some of us went today to the Lake of the Ozarks for a day of shopping at the outlet mall and lunch. (Ok, even some ice cream was involved at the end, but at least that will get us all back to Curves on Monday, right?!) Anyway - it was a beautiful day, and a fun time meeting new friends and spending time with them shopping and talking!

Friday was the last day of school. It felt like everything kind of just came to a screeching halt. Not like there was really a good closure, or like I completed something, or achieved something like last year. This time last year I was celebrating the survival of my first year. I truly felt accomplished and ready to face the next year when it came. This year I just felt...weird. God has really taught me about patience, trust, and waiting on Him over the past 6 weeks as I wondered just where I would be next year. Even Wednesday after our last staff meeting I felt so overwhelmed that I finally cried. Just let the tears burst out and cried on our art teacher's shoulder. And I'm so thankful that she was there to give me her shoulder. We had talked about packing everything and labeling it all so specifically for certain building destinations, but I still had no idea where my stuff was all going. So...I did the only thing I knew to do. I cried. (Most people told me it was long overdue. I've been trying so hard to stay positive, but realized that sometimes there is a difference in staying positive and allowing yourself to feel disappointed/overwhelmed and trying to stay so positive that you don't feel anything.) I guess I am human after all, just in case we needed confirmation about that!

So - Thursday afternoon the fine arts coordinator from our district came to me and let me know - I will e teaching third grade music for half a day at our off-post 3-6 elementary school (which I am really excited about) and half a day of guitar at the high school. "I didn't know you played the guitar..." If you just thought that, no worries - because I DON'T play the guitar. But I WILL. At least well enough to teach a beginner level elective course to 60ish high school students in the fall. Ummm yes, I also said high school. I will be doing a lot of praying about relying on God and being an effective teacher at the high school level over the summer if you'd like to join me. (He knows what He is doing, He knows what He is doing, He knows what He is doing....)

I also have been a little prideful. I admit that I was disappointed when I found out I'd be teaching high school and doing all music instead of half time with something different like ESL or Speech Path. But then I realized that those things had been "my plan" and this was so off the wall, it has to be His plan. Which means I will have to rely on Him even more. I guess I thought that as soon as I found out I would feel relieved, excited, etc...and thank God for giving me peace through this time, then move on. I like to "handle things on my own..." a lot, as is human nature for many of us. But - that is not what God wants or expects. He wants me to seek Him EVERY day in ALL I do...and yes He has given me peace through this time and provided a job, and I am blessed...but I will also continue to seek what I am supposed to learn through this time, and how He can use me in an area that is so outside my comfort zone. And when I think about it that way I'm a little excited. A good friend told me today, maybe THIS is part of my preparation for future ministry, whether it is here or overseas. Maybe I am going to be dealing with people I am not comfortable with and finding ways to communicate with them and reach them. Maybe that will be so outside my comfort zone that teaching high school will seem like a minor detail in comparison and an amazing preparation. Of course it doesn't make sense to me. But when do we ever understand God's plans before they happen? That's why He makes them fall into place and we don't.

So - Here I am Lord. Yours. Ready. Available. Excited. Nervous. Challenged. And moving outside my comfort zone. You can do it. And I can do it with your strength, and only with your strength. I love you!

P.S....Could you help the butterflies slow down a little, please? You're in charge of that part of my life too, and I am thankful for the peace and redirected focus you've already provided there, but I'm still human...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Four years ago tomorrow I boarded a plane for my first trip ever, overseas. I flew around the world to Africa, landed in the country of Senegal, and fell in love with a people and culture that will forever have a place in my heart. In fact, a piece of my heart is still there, and my heart dreams of going back one day for a longer stay. I kept a very detailed journal, and I love to go back and read it. I can see the sights, hear the sounds, and smell the smells of each day there. I also have so many pictures. Here are a few I'll share to show you my passion...

"Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For the LORD is great and greatly to be praised; He is also to be feared above all gods." (1 Chronicles 16: 24-25, NKJV)

Monday, May 17, 2010

After Hours...

So this is what really happens at school after hours...

I have to say, I'm really going to miss working with these ladies. They have both been a fun part of my life in my first two years of teaching. As you can see - I cleaned out some "costume" items from my closets this afternoon when I started packing. Yes - I finally started packing. It's not quite as overwhelming as I expected it to feel, although I may feel differently when Friday comes. I'm the type who starts one thing but sees another, so in the middle of the first thing I go to do the second, then start another - and, get the point. It can be a vicious cycle sometimes! :) 

There has been lots on my mind lately to blog about - seems like I think about things during the day, come home ready to write, then lose my energy and motivation. I'll write more soon though. Today I just wanted to share a laugh. I hope my 'fro made you smile! I"m thinking about going for this as a permanent style, what do you think?! Be sure you leave me some advice and comments about pursuing this new do! 

P.S....getting a good laugh this afternoon was definitely my birthday celebration for the day! =D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today is Day 11 of the Birthday month. I didn't do much to celebrate - the walk I planned to take was accidentally overshadowed by the time spent after school working in my classroom preparing sub plans for the next day and a half, and trying to organize other things. I try to pretend that the fact I haven't even started packing my classroom doesn't bother me. In some ways it doesn't. But - I know next week it will all pour down. I will have to do some serious relying on the Lord, well-managed time, organizational skills, and prayer and encouragement from others. Also - we get to wear jeans every day for the rest of the year because of all the packing and dust - so a big HOOORAYYY for that!!

I will count staying home for the evening with a glass of chocolate milk as today's celebration.

I also saw the most beautiful clouds on my way home. The beautiful, puffy, silvery ones, with rays of sunshine bursting through them. I had to stop and take pictures again. Lately God has been enthralling me with the beauty of His creations. Things often overlooked and under-appreciated. I am so thankful for the works of His hands.

My Weight Watchers Update is that last week I officially reached -20lbs!! I still have some to go, but I am SO excited about how slowly and steadily this has been coming off since February, and really enjoying thinking about my healthy eating choices (MOST of the time! haha) and exercising regularly. The clothes are just starting to get loose!

I won a contest yesterday on Spirit FM! :) I called before school and actually managed to get through as the right caller! They were having a spelling bee in honor of last week being Teacher Appreciation Week, but did not have a winner the first two days they played, so it rolled over to Monday. I spelled hierarchy, occurrence, conscience, accommodate, and questionnaire. I felt so smart for the rest of the day! haha

Still waiting to hear about my job for next year. I have signed my contract and turned it in, so now...I wait. But I know that God has his hands over that situation too. And even though some days are harder than others, I hope that I have had an attitude of joy that reflects my peace in Him to others in my school. I am looking forward to what He has in store next year...

Thursday afternoon I am taking my last half day off from school. I have a meeting in the morning anyway, so I decided I might as well get a sub for the whole day and take the afternoon for myself. I don't have any plans. Which sounds wonderful to me! What to do, what to do....? Thinking about driving to Rolla and having lunch at Panera and sitting with a good book! I can't wait...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Birthday Celebration #10 -
Driving home the long way...singing with the radio, and just...thinking.

It is cold here, friends. I know in our state the weather can change on a daily basis...but it has been in the 40s - low 50s for three days now. In May. reminds me of late Fall. Oh well - summer is almost here.

Lots in store this summer - counting down the days until vacation, although the end of the year will be bittersweet this time, leaving my first school ever, as it closes for good. However - looking forward to Friday nights at the St. Louis Muny as a season ticket subscriber, a mini-reunion with college friends in Arkansas, teacher workshops, time with family, sleeping in, and being outside more.

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. I pray your week is blessed with his joy.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I've gotten a little behind on the birthday celebrations! But it's ok...I've celebrated a lot of other things this week - like being a music teacher and loving 300 children each day, seeing many of them sing on stage, sharing the joy of music with others, and continuing to trust God in all that He is doing right now.

But - today's celebration is perfect! Today is like a "two-for-one" special! Because, to celebrate my birthday, I'm going to celebrate my MOM, because it's Mother's Day, and without her I wouldn't have a birthday! :)

Here are some reasons I love my "Mommy."

1. She chose to give me life. (All 11lbs 2 oz, 21.75 inches of me, for that matter, and I'm NOT exaggerating! haha) Not that it was a choice she wasn't going to make...but she valued and still does value the importance of the gift of life that God gives every infant from the time He begins knitting them in their mother's womb. Now that I am an adult, I see the beauty and the value of this gift as well, and hope that one day I will be able to have that gift in a child, myself. My mother has instilled in me a passion for helping and encouraging others to "choose life" as well whether it be supporting a crisis pregnancy center, supporting "pro-life" efforts, or simply taking a stand for what I believe through my thoughts, actions, choices, and words regarding this issue.

2. She encouraged me to be creative. From the time I was little, I can remember making "button necklaces," drawing silly pictures, playing "percussion" on pots and pans, using my imagination and exploring the many things a cardboard box could turn into...the list goes on.

3. She is a woman of God. She stands strong in Him, trusts Him for his provision, and seeks His will in the many things that she does. And she has instilled this trust into her children as well.

4. She is selfless. One of the most selfless people I know. My mother always seeks ways to help others. Maybe it is because she has such a great and courageous story that she wants to share what God has blessed her with in order to bless others. But...even when she has little in materials and finances to give...she does it anyway. I have watched this and experienced this, and I love you for this, Mom.

5. She takes care of me. Even now that I'm a grown-up. She has the "worrisome" mother syndrome that many mothers have, and always lets me know when something like a tornado is going to happen...even when she's across the world and a day ahead in the time-zone!

6. She read me stories and even made some up when I was little! "I'll Love You Forever," "The Bobsy Twins," and Beatrix Potter books about "Peter Cottontail" and his friends were among favorites when I was growing up!

7. She once called me at college (on a Saturday morning when I was sleeping in) and told me to check my e-mail immediately because she was sending me an urgent list of items to go and buy at matter what the cost. There was going to be a flood in Arkansas (this was right after Hurricane Katrina), and I needed to have some of the following things ready in my dorm room. (*Note - I am NOT exaggerating here either!) Rope, floaties, life jacket, flashlight(s), batteries, snacks, bottled drinks, blanket...I kept the e-mail and will show it to MY kids one day! I think I will post it in an upcoming blog, for your entertainment! :) It makes me laugh every time I read it, but I love it too. (See #5)

8. She is a fantastic (and creative) cook! :)

9. She is rockin' awesome!

10. She is beautiful inside and out and does not worry about "changing" herself to meet other people's standards. She is original, creative, and...herself!

11. She always encourages me to do my best. No matter what I'm doing. "You did good," is a signature quote.

12. She is the best mom I could ask for! I've had other "moms" to fill in for her while I've been away, but they will never compare to my one and only favorite mom in the world!! I love you!

And to make the double celebration even better...I think I'll go get a Limeade from Sonic Happy Hour much needed hair cut! Blessings to you today! I hope your Sunday is filled with the joy of our Lord and Savior!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Birthday Celebration #3...

It's hard to find time in such a crazy week for "something special." But - I also think the best thing about these little Birthday celebrations is that they're not necessarily big, planned events.

Today's celebration -
-Taking time to admire the beautiful clouds on the way to work this morning. Only God could make a sky like that...and I had to take a picture and "try" (though a picture can't do it justice...) to capture the memory and celebrate His beautiful work.

I shared this on facebook a few days ago, but I just want to share it with anyone out there who might read this blog too...

Well - a lot has been going on lately, and i thought I'd share an update. Some of you may know some of these things, and others none...but I hope you'll see the amazing ways God has been at work as I share...

About 6 weeks ago I had a conversation with the missionary parents of a friend who happened to mention that the age for the Journeyman program through the International Mission Board had been lowered to 26 from 29. I've had a big heart and passion for missions for a long time - really feeling the urgency to "go" since high school. College was my first chance to actually go overseas, and God really opened my heart to the desire to go longer in the future. He especially burdened my heart for Africa, which I grew to love during my trip there. I began applying for the JM program at the end of college, but did not finish the process because I felt it was not God's timing, and I needed to stay here for awhile and teach. This was hard for me, but I knew it was where God was putting me for now, and He has given me a peace about it. So - back to the conversation. I did not want to rush into things because of that, however, felt maybe God was using the age change to get my attention again. Now that I've been teaching for a few years, I thought I had "planned" out my next few years and kept saying "When it is the right time I will apply again..." without really seeking WHEN the time would be. After praying wholeheartedly, I felt God had really put it on my heart to begin applying again. I was unsure of where He would lead from there, but had the peace in knowing that I was to complete the application this time and submit it. This, of course, would mean eventually giving up the "secure" job I've had for the past two years, and feeling a little "impractical." But - God had other things in store.

About four weeks after I began the application process, the staff and teachers at my school were informed that our building would be closed at the end of this school year. Budgeting has been hard for our district, and this seemed to be the most helpful way to work toward a better financial situation. Wow. Not a warning. Not a prediction...just...out of the blue. This REALLY hit home. I had heard on the news about schools all over the U.S. closing down and teachers losing jobs. However, God provided yet again. Our district has promised everyone in my building a job next year somewhere in the district. What a blessing - no one is losing a job. Most of the teachers have been placed in other buildings where teachers are retiring or moving. There are still a few teachers, our principal, guidance counselor, and nurse who are unsure of placements right now, and....I am included in that bunch.

Because I am only music-certified, and there are no music openings next year, the HR director is having to be creative and "think outside the box" in placing me for next year. God is teaching me to wait, and to rely on Him. I have tried to be positive and to trust Him through all of this. I constantly find myself wondering what He is teaching me, and how He is going to use this time in my journey with Him. I have prayed that I might be a light to others who are feeling negative about the situation and that I might show the joy and peace that He has given me. I am excited about the possibility of trying something new, but a little sad to think about leaving music too. We visited about a few possibilities including teaching ESL, a big need in our district, because of my past experience with that, and also working as a "speech implementor" if they do not have enough certified speech language pathologists, because I took classes in speech path in college and hope to get a masters degree in this area one day.

So - I do not think this is the end of my story at all. Rather it is the beginning of something God is doing that I can't even begin to understand right now. It's hard for me to give up control of something that seemed so sure to me, and to let God work. It's hard to wait. And it's hard to think about leaving music next year, although I think it will be a wonderful chance to try something new for a short time. I can't tell you how blessed I feel to HAVE a job. I got my contract yesterday, so I officially do have a position SOMEwhere...I am just unsure where or what I will be doing. I will miss my kids. I will miss my beautiful room. And I will miss the things I have worked hard to have through grants. the same time I know those are all "stuff" and that my real treasures are stored in Heaven by the great One who has a plan for me through all of this. I feel affirmed in the timing of my Journeyman application, and pray, wondering if He could really be leading me to one of my greatest desires and dreams in the next year.

God has been faithful through this time to encourage me in many ways and speak to me through His word, Christian friends and family, and answers to prayer. I know I can either draw nearer to Him and grow, or draw away and try to take control of things myself. Please keep me in your prayers as I wait on the Lord and His timing.

Here are two encouraging thoughts that came up on my desk calendar this week at just the time I needed them. What wonderful truths they are.

"All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." -Romans 8:28
"That verse clearly tells us that God has a purpose for each one of us... 'Those who are called' implies that we are walking in that calling, obeying God, and yielding in the direction of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. If we are truly being obedient to God's commands and we are following His purpose for our lives to the best of our abilities, then God is fully committed to working all things together for our good - both our eternal rewards and our earthly blessings."

"He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
"Focus on God's unconditional love for you and anybody else who may be involved in the crisis you face. Focus on His power and ability to control all circumstances. Focus on His always-listening ear that hears you and His always watchful eye that sees you day and night. Remember this: The larger your thoughts about God, the smaller your thoughts about your problem! Refuse to have a pity party or slide into depression. Choose instead to see God's loving arms wrapped around you, lifting you up to safety, provision, and peace!"

I am learning to walk side by side and grow more in love every day with a Savior who cherishes me and calls me His child. He will provide in ways that are beyond any that I can imagine. I pray that you will choose to trust and follow Him too. I will keep you all updated as I find out more, and would love to hear how things are going for many of you too! How is God working in your life?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Birthday Celebration Day #2...

Sunday is one of my favorite days of the week. I just enjoy getting to worship and fellowship with the family I have at my church, and relax. Most recently I have enjoyed becoming a member of the praise team at my church, where I am able to lead others to the presence of God as I worship Him too. The words of the songs we sing always speak to me in some way, and the Lord really touches my heart as I approach His throne through music.

Today was Birthday Celebration Day #2. I had a lot of exciting things going on already, like lunch with my Singles Sunday School class friends, helping the preschool choir I lead at church sing for the congregation tonight (SO precious!) and taking a (short) Sunday nap. 

Here are my real celebrations though - 
Writing cards to mail to some friends - something I love to do but don't make time to do often enough anymore!
Buying a magazine that interested me at Wal-Mart just because!
Buying Diet Cherry Pepsi on sale at Wal-Mart as a special treat!
Watching the I Love Lucy marathon on t.v. before I head to bed!

Looking forward to Day #3...Monday is on its way!  

I hope you had a blessed, joyful, and peaceful Sunday in the presence of our amazing Savior! 

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today is the first day of May which means.......

It's my birthday month! I'm sure I got excited about my birthday when I was little. I don't really remember a lot about all the other days of the month though. This year I'm going to be 25. 

I thought that, since my birthday is at the end of the month (May 30) I would do something fun to celebrate each day until it comes. And even though there are a few more than 25 days until my birthday, I'm going to call it 25 fun ways to celebrate being 25 (and then some...)! 

Today I slept in. And stayed home...well, close to home. At least in the town where I live. And it was so nice to here. I also had dinner, a walk, and a chocolate chip cookie with some friends, so that was nice too. A good first day of my birthday month, I think!

Tomorrow - well, who knows what kind of celebration tomorrow will bring? I've had all kinds of fun suggestions from friends on facebook. What about you - any good ideas for me? 

I'm excited about turning 25! :)