I had no idea what to expect, going into the afternoon...no idea how many kids there would be, what ages I would be working with, or what kinds of special needs the children might have. I just did my best to come up with a plan that would work for multiple ages, and I prayed that God would use me to encourage and bless the families who would attend. It was kind of the "great unknown..." :)
There were almost ten children who attended, and each of them was so precious. Some helped younger siblings, and some were so curious about the instruments I brought it was hard to contain their excitement and wait for the chance to touch and play. We sang some silly songs...and danced along too, of course! We used scarves to show the different patterns in instrumental pieces and read a story with instruments to help with some of the words. We explored glockenspiels and the sounds they can make. And we had FUN!
I always wonder if I'm doing ok when I teach or lead things, especially like this. And it always amazes me when I finish and people tell me how much my gentle spirit and personality impacts the kids I work with, or what a wonderful program it was and that they would love to see me in action in my classroom. It's kind of easy for me to push those remarks aside and doubt myself. But I'm learning to realize, especially like today, if I'm truly giving God the glory, I shouldn't doubt those things. It is Him who has given me a passion and a desire to work with kids. It is Him who gave me musical ability and the opportunity to share that with others on a regular basis. It is Him who has given me my "gentle" personality and created me to be the person I am. So, I say all that not to compliment myself or say I am a good teacher, but to thank the very One who made me who I am. I love working with children SO much, and every time I get to sing, dance, laugh, and play with them, my heart is full!
"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him." -Psalm 127:3