As for everything else, I guess there isn't a lot to share right now.
*I mentioned in my last post, I'm getting a little too used to these short work weeks, I'm afraid! I will go to school tomorrow, but Wednesday-Friday I will go to my state music teacher conference. I'm really excited to go - I always learn a lot, meet great teachers, and come back with new ideas.
*It is now only 30 days until I leave for my interview conference! I fly there four weeks from Wednesday!
*Seeing the flip flops on the racks at the mall today amidst the super-clearance priced knit scarves gave me that bittersweet hope that Spring might actually be around the corner, but there is still time to enjoy the snow.
*I am actually reading a book for fun right now. It is a Christian novel my sister leant me last year, but I am just now getting around to starting called "Pretense." It has 700 pages which is slightly intimidating to me, only because I know how little free time I have to read during the school year, and I am a naturally slow-reader, unless it is something I am super interested in. far I have gotten to the 140s...which means only about 600 pages more to go. It's actually a really good book, and I'm hoping maybe with airplane time on the way to my conference, I might finish it before Spring time!
*Weight Watchers is.....not going as well as it was last year. When I joined I did so well. I lost 20+ lbs and maintained it in the first five months. I have actually managed to keep the 20 lbs off, which I have never done before, so that is a good thing...but I have not made the effort to keep going and lose the other portion to get to my goal. This makes me feel a little frustrated and discouraged, and I also understand how the women at my meeting with families is hard when you are trying to do this while living with other people. When it was just me, I was able to only think about me, and only have what I wanted to in my apartment. At home, there are other "goodies" around and other cooking (I'm not complaining about my mom's good cooking!), plus I've just been feeling tired in general over the past few months. I've tried to keep my workouts going at Curves, but I'm ready for Spring so I can start walking more again! Anyway, enough about that...I'm just going to give it another try when we start our new series in a couple of weeks and...hopefully get more motivated and determined!
*I'm really thinking and praying about my church situation right now. I just can't seem to figure out where I fit in/need to be and if I should keep commuting to the church I joined in the community where I teach at or spend some time at my church near home, where I grew up. I'm praying and seeking God's direction.
*School is getting a little better this semester, although it could just be that I haven't been there as much! I'm hoping February will feel as ok as January has. I have lots of programs coming up to prepare for, and keep thinking, "This might be my last semester, so I should do this..." I just want to enjoy it as much as I can and be the best teacher I can before I go.
*I was going to make those all short one-lined random things going on lately, but as you can see...I can never seem to keep things at one-line. So...oh well!
I hope your new week is off to a good start!
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