As I typed that title, I heard it as a song...Isn't it an 80s song or something? Maybe 90s? Oh, says 1975, and I guess what google says, goes...I should've known it was an oldies song - most of my life soundtrack revolves around oldies songs. :)
Well, whatever year it was made, it definitely describes my life over the past many ups and downs. So many unexpected turns. So many chances to throw my arms up in the air and enjoy the ride...or close my eyes and wish for it to be over. I've done both.
A year ago today was a significant date for me in stepping on that roller coaster. Actually a little over a year ago, I made the decision to start the application process for the Journeyman overseas missions program, and THAT was a step toward the roller coaster, but April was really significant for me. One year ago today, the school board voted to close the building I was teaching in. It was a shock to everyone and a definite transition, but the hardest part came in waiting. Most teachers were placed into new positions for this year within the next week. There were no music openings, though, and I had to wait. And wait. And wait. Five weeks went by, and finally, I was placed for the new school year. I felt such a peace through that time, knowing it was in God's hands, and thanking Him for providing a job.
A year ago, I made a bold decision...more so than any I've ever made, and again I felt peace about my honesty in that situation. God has continued to bless that decision, and He has been faithful to maintain many factors in the situation. I'm so thankful for that.
So many other things have happened. God has challenged me. Helped me to grow. Put new friends in my life. Surrounded me by love and support. Challenged me more. Stretched me. (Ouch!) Asked me to trust Him more. Helped me to remember specific times He has provided and cared for me in the past. Called my heart so strongly to something, then called me to trust Him with that dream and desire as it belongs to Him and not me. And....the list can only go on.
So now - a year later, when I thought everything would be lined out just the way "I had planned..." God had other plans. A year later, when I thought I would be through the waters of uncertainty I was treading through then - here I am again. At the same place. In much the same situation. Uncertain of what my next year will hold. Hoping for so much, yet trying not to hope too hard. Seeing what it really means to have faith...and to follow through with that - not just say it.
I choose to throw my hands up, keep riding, and wait for God to stop the roller coaster. Or at least to take a small break and let me hop off. Yet when I think of the excitement in running toward a roller coaster, waiting in line, pushing through a crowd, anticipating the adventure to come...I long to run toward all that God has in store too. I ache to serve Him, trust Him, glorify Him, and know that He is God. He is a GOOD God, no matter what, and He is with me through all the ups and downs and the twists and turns.
Thank you God for the chance to take the ride of a that I think is just the first of many adventures I will take in this life you have given me! I throw my hands up in the air (sometimes, singin' heyyyy-oooo, common' let's go!) Sorry, I just had to add another song, though I probably mixed up a word or two! :)
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