So, as I sit here typing, and enjoying the beautiful sunshine and breeze blowing across the tall grass and trees outside my window, the chance to have a day off and relax - it is exciting for me to be able to write again. To think about the verse that first inspired me to name this blog.
"So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord - who is the Spirit - makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image." -2 Corinthians 3:18
I don't know about you, but that verse challenges me. The very One who created all of the Earth wants me to be His child. To rest in Him. To BE LIKE Him. And then I think about all of the people I see and influence each day. Whether through words, actions, a smile, a wave, teaching, or some other way - big or small. I think, if I am to reflect His truly be like Jesus, I need to know more about how He looks. I need to spend time reading His word in the Bible and reflecting on how He wants to use my life to reveal Himself to others. I want to see how His hand has been ever-present in my life so far, and how it is reaching out to lead me in my future.
And my heart so breaks right now for children all around the world who are in need of His love. Who don't know there is someone waiting to comfort them and wrap them in His arms and love them in a way no one else ever could. My heart still longs to go, to share, to open eyes to that love. Then God opens my eyes and shows me - you are here. And I have given you 560 children to love and teach and show my joy and reflection every day in school where you are at. I have given you the responsibility to lead a children's group at church and share a heart for the world with them so that they might one day also grow a passion for sharing the truth here and around the world. God please use me to be the reflection all of these children and other people I encounter here need to get just a glimpse of who you are. Make me a joyful living example of your love. A genuine servant and follower.
So...I have a lot of catching up to do in writing about my summer and all the many ways God has blessed me and helped me to grow. I have a wedding to share about, an amazing summer job, new friends, visits with old friends, precious children, and lots of traveling. And I will do my best to keep writing about those things and sharing pictures soon, because what wonderful experiences and memories they are to share! But for now, I challenge you to take a minute and think on the many ways God is working in you and through you. And to be a reflection of who He is no matter where you are.
It's good to be back!
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