Today I'm thankful for -
1. Rest - Spiritual AND physical
2. Graduate school - I love getting to learn again and working toward something.
3. Another grant for my classroom! I will receive $125 for new hand drums to help incorporate literacy with rhythm! I'm thankful God has given me a desire to write and to seek grant opportunities!
4. Friends - Near and far (Almost missed today but made it by three minutes! ha)
5. Phones...and American phone numbers so I can call my parents even while they live around the world in Germany
6. Colors - beautiful colors all around me - fall leaves, window displays and decorations, painted houses, wild clothing colors (which really make me laugh sometimes!), sunrises/sunsets/blue skies, and so many more!
7. My room mate! :) Who knew when I started stalking her after she came to college (ok, she was a new freshman, and I was trying to be nice and make her feel welcome! lol) that we would remain friends and one day get to live together and teach in the same school district. She is a sweet woman of God, and I love our conversations and random t.v. nights!
8. 5:00 Tuesday's just a meeting time God has blessed me with, and I am thankful for the opportunity.
9. Hot chocolate! It's becoming a frequent evening drink choice lately! And yes - I definitely DID put some of my peppermint mocha creamer, whipped cream, marshmallows, AND a drizzle of chocolate syrup in it tonight! :) Mmmmm....
10. Cold, crisp air - and a winter jacket, scarf, and gloves to keep me warm. Many people do not have a jacket at all. I am truly blessed.
11. Music - The pure beauty of listening to it, playing it, singing it, teaching it, and experiencing it. The power of its words, and of its sounds. "Where words end, music picks up..."
12. My Computer - I know it's just a material thing...but I'm thankful to have it so I can stay connected with others, type papers, read news, blog, facebook stalk (lol...just kidding!), and have a place for pictures and many other things!
13. My Parents - they raised me in a Christian home and continue to support me and encourage me to be all God wants me to be today.
14. For being a teacher. I have a LOT of kids. And I am usually overwhelmed. I don't always feel like a "good" teacher. But I feel like a teacher who cares. I love my kids. And I love that I get to know every single kid in our school. That makes it the best job ever. I hope my kids remember me for how much I care!
15. My car. I know it is another "material" thing, but sometimes it's those everyday "things" we take for granted most. By having a car I have more than so many people in the world...and even my community. By being able to make car payments...I am rich. I am also thankful for the road trips I've been on in my car, for its dependability, and for driving the long way home sometimes.
16. Kids. I love them. God has given me so many to care for, to teach, and to encourage each day at school and at church. I pray one day He will give me my own to raise in a family.
17. A fun and successful music program - my first full program of the year! First grade presented a patriotic musical go to with our word of the month, "honor" and they did a great job! I am also thankful for our custodians, administrators, and co-teachers for helping me with decorations, risers, the sound system, chair set-up, and many other details that go into a program. It's great to have such support!
18. Pizza Night! My "adopted family" and I usually have Pizza Night every Friday, and it's always a fun time of talking about our week, laughing, and other good conversation. So to go with that - I'm thankful for the "adopted fam!" :) This is my best friend's family, and I have spent so much time with them since Jr. High they really have become my second family. We've had lots of adventures and memories together!
19. Saturdays! Sleeping in, making coffee, reading a book in bed, and blogging, time to clean house, and fun with friends later. Thank you, Lord, for Saturdays! :)
20. Lunch with a missionary family - they came to speak at our church this morning to raise awareness and encourage our church to begin praying about "to whom God is sending us." Part of our newly formed mission committee had the joy of going out to lunch with the family and it was wonderful to talk with them! :) (P.S. Dad - The man who spoke was a Sooner fan!)
21. Reading - for time to read, for the ability to read, for those who taught me to read...there are so many people around the world who can't do that. So many teachers who make a difference to children every day who will one day be able to enjoy reading. So - I'm just thankful for that...thankful I learned to read when I was little and to enjoy it. Thankful that I still enjoy it when I have time. Thankful for the book I'm reading little by little right now for enjoyment!
22. Exercise - The time and resources to do it regularly, and for a healthy body that allows me to exercise. I am also thankful for the ladies who work at Curves and those I meet when I exercise there. They are all so very encouraging and motivating. I love it! (Even when I don't love it...haha)
23. A day off! (Actually five) - A little break from school to enjoy friends, family, getting caught up on a few things at home, extra rest, reading for fun, and many other things! Happy Thanksgiving Week to everyone!
24. Thanksgiving! - I'm thankful for a day set aside specifically for giving thanks and focusing on the many blessings God has provided. I'm so thankful to have family nearby to celebrate with when I know many people will be far away from loved ones or alone. I am thankful for fun with nieces, nephews, cousins, grandparents, siblings, and aunts and uncles. I'm thankful for the meal we shared and the laughs we had. I pray God's joy will fill hearts and our thankfulness will be focused on Him today and everyday!
25. Fun - For games with my sister and friends, for cuddle time with my niece and nephew on the couch this morning, and for my first Black Friday shopping trip ever! (I went all by myself at 4:00 this morning to get a pair of boots at JC Penney...and I survived! Got the boots and some other good deals on clothes for work too! No worries, though, I'm not a "true" BF shopper yet, though...I only went to two stores!)
26. Rain - on a morning when I can finally sleep in and stay in bed to hear it falling! :)
27. God knows our hearts and our needs...even when we don't always voice them to Him. He is Provider.
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