Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On a Wednesday Morning Off...

I didn't set my alarm, and when I woke up to the sound of rain falling down, I rolled over, cuddled in the blankets, and stayed in bed to listen...

A fresh pot of coffee is brewing, and my favorite big coffee cup and pumpkin spice creamer are waiting for me on the kitchen counter...

I am spending time with my blinds open, looking out at the rain, reading my Bible, writing in my journal, and listening to classical music...

I am thanking God for the blessings in my life, big and small, including this time to spend with Him...

I am also thanking Him because He knows my heart even better than I do. It was Him, after all, who gave me that heart, the desires it holds, the dreams it has, and the joy and contentment it is filled with, no matter what my circumstances are.

On a Wednesday morning off...

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