Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Little Glimpse...

Teaching on a military base means lots of moves in and out - lots of wonderful kiddos who, unfortunately have to leave after knowing them for just a short time, and the chance to meet a lot of great new kids as they move into the district too. Sometimes, I also get the rare chance to have a student for multiple years. It seems so odd to me that I've now been teaching almost four complete years, and that I can even have students who have been with me for "multiple" years...but it's true! And a small few, maybe 5-10 students, have been with me since my very first year at my very first school. Even after it was closed down and combined with my current school, some of them are still with me!

So...Friday was a hard day when one of my amazing kiddos I've had all four years, since she was in first grade - had to move away. She'd been reminding me since January that the day was coming up, and that she was really going to miss me. And I got to thinking this week - I'm really the only consistency she's had in teachers since coming here in 2008. With a new classroom teacher each year, and multiple Art and P.E. teachers, no wonder she really felt secure in my classroom. And I felt honored to be important to her.

I guess this is the first time I've gotten to see the long-term impact I've had on one of my students. I think she truly knows I cared about her and that I believe in her, no matter where she goes. And I hope she'll take that with her and remember for years to come that she is a super young in fourth grade!

I look back, and I remember so many of the teachers who influenced my life. I've always wanted to be like them - to have students look back one day and remember how much I cared about them. And I've often wondered, working on a military base if that would ever be possible since I see so many children for different lengths of time. But - I am thankful God allowed me a glimpse this week of just one life I've touched so far. I pray there will be many more!

1 comment:

  1. How amazing to see the positive impact you made! My BFF in elementary school was military. She was around for 4 years and we still talk to this day! Another girl was around from 3rd-10th grades!
